

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to examine your uterus and other reproductive organs. It can give your doctor information about your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It is used to treat infertility and other fertility problems, diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding, and to help locate a cause of infertility.

A hysteroscopy is one of the safest and least invasive surgical procedures available. It is often performed on an outpatient basis with only mild sedation.



Hysteroscopy is done in the doctor’s office. The procedure takes about five to 10 minutes and is painless. You will be given anesthetic medication to numb the area during the procedure.

During a hysteroscopy, you will lie on an exam table with your legs raised in stirrups. Your doctor will insert the hysteroscope through your vagina and into your uterus. You may feel cramping or discomfort as the scope moves into place. (A hysteroscope is a thin tube with a light on one end. The tip of the tube has a lens that allows your doctor to see inside of your uterus and cervix.)

Why it’s done

The most common reason for having a hysteroscope placed in your uterus is to diagnose and treat the causes of abnormal bleeding. Other uses include diagnosing fibroids, polyps, or tumors; determining why you are unable to become pregnant; removing objects such as IUDs or uterine coils; and removing tissue samples for examination under a microscope. Additional uses of hysteroscopy include removing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) scar tissue after childbirth, performing minor surgery such as biopsies, and treating endometriosis.

Symptomps that you need Hysteroscopy

  • If you are experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding
  • If you continue to bleed after Menopause
  • If you have experienced multiple miscarriages and have abnormal Pap test results.