anovulatory infertility treatment
  • May ,30 2022
  • BY admin

Suffering from anovulation, or irregular ovulation?

Wondering what is causing the symptoms and what can be done to restore regular ovulation and a healthy menstrual cycle?

Anovulation disorder is most often caused by hormonal problems. It can also be caused by an anatomical disorder in women who have reached menopause. Ovulation is necessary for pregnancy to occur, which means that anovulatory cycles may result in infertility.

What is anovulation?

Anovulation is a condition where a woman’s body does not release an egg for ovulation. This is also known as anovulatory infertility. It can cause irregular menstrual periods or missed periods. Anovulation is different than amenorrhea, which refers to no menstruation at all.

If you are trying to get pregnant, then missing periods could be a sign of anovulation, which means that there were no eggs released during that particular month’s cycle. In other words, if you do not ovulate during a given month, then you will not get pregnant even if sex takes place during that time since sperm needs to reach an egg in order to fertilize it and make a baby.

Symptoms of anovulation

The symptoms of anovulation are similar to those of other conditions that lead to infertility. Sometimes, they may be more pronounced than they would be in a normal menstrual cycle. Other times, they may show up as abnormal bleeding or spotting.

Some women may not experience any symptoms at all when they have anovulation. Others may experience unusual or heavy bleeding during their periods, or excessive cramping pain during their periods. Some women also have very light periods or no period at all during anovulation.

Here are some of the common symptoms of anovulation:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles (fewer than eight per year)
  • No menstrual periods (amenorrhea)
  • Increased/increased body hair growth
  • Decreased breast size or breast tenderness
  • Increased facial hair growth (facial hirsutism)

If you’re concerned about anovulation, your doctor can perform tests to confirm or rule out the condition:

Blood tests: These tests measure the levels of hormones that regulate ovulation. If they are not at normal levels, you may be experiencing anovulation.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound exam provides additional information about your reproductive organs and can help your doctor determine if you have any other problems that could affect your ability to conceive.

Luteal phase defect: Luteal phase defect refers to a deficiency in progesterone during the second half of a woman’s cycle — specifically during the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation and ends with menstruation. Women with this condition can experience irregular menstrual cycles and difficulty conceiving.

Causes of anovulation

Anovulation can be caused by:

  • Medications– Certain medications, including fertility drugs, chemotherapy may affect the ovulation process.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)– PCOS is a common condition in women who have irregular or absent periods, as well as high levels of male hormones (androgens).
  • Excessive exercise and dieting– This can lead to weight loss. If you’re underweight, your body produces less estrogen, which leads to irregular periods. Weight gain can also disrupt the menstrual cycle.
  • History of endometriosis– Endometriosis is when cells similar to those found on the lining of the uterus grow outside this area. It is thought that women with endometriosis may experience changes in their menstrual cycle because their reproductive organs are affected by the condition.

There are several other causes of anovulation, like excess androgen production, low progesterone levels, and hyperprolactinemia. If you’re experiencing the symptoms, visit your doctor. After their analysis, they can help ascertain the real cause of your condition.

Treatments for anovulation

There are many ways to treat anovulation. Depending on the cause of your fertility problems, you may be able to use one treatment or a combination of treatments.

Some women take various medications to help with the symptoms associated with anovulation, such as irregular periods or acne. Some medications require injections at home, while others are given through a needle in a vein or under the skin by an intravenous drip.

If you’re having trouble conceiving and want to try for a baby, your doctor may recommend fertility drugs. These drugs can help increase your chances of getting pregnant if you have anovulation.

In addition to these, your doctor will also recommend several lifestyle changes. This would include managing your stress better, managing your weight, and regulating your exercise frequency/intensity if you’re going too hard at it.

Need help?

If you’re experiencing irregular menstrual periods, reach out to your doctor and seek professional help. At times, basic intervention can make all the difference in treating anovulation. If this condition is causing infertility, the doctor may even recommend Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to conceive. So, connect with an experienced OB-GYN, get your diagnosis, and start the treatment process.


