Emergency Caesarean Section


Emergency C-sections are often prompted by the presence of a complication that threatens the life of the mother or baby (or both) or by a situation that would make vaginal birth unsafe, like breech presentation (baby positioned to come out feet first rather than head first). The key to an emergency c-section is speed. The longer it takes to perform a c-section, the more risk there is for complications.


Reason for emergency C-section

There are many reasons why a cesarean section might be necessary. A common reason is when a baby is in distress, meaning it isn’t receiving enough oxygen through the umbilical cord or if blood flow to its heart or brain is restricted or cut off. This often happens with breech births where a baby is positioned feet first instead of head first. The doctor will either perform a cesarean section or turn the baby around manually so it can be delivered normally.


A cesarean section, or C-section, is a type of surgery where an incision is made in the abdomen and uterus to deliver a baby. It’s usually reserved for situations where it’s safer for the baby or mother to have the baby removed via surgery rather than through vaginal delivery. While a cesarean section might seem like the easy way out, it’s actually an invasive surgery. There are risks for you and your baby, and complications can occur if there are medical problems. Plus, if you’ve had a C-section with one pregnancy, you’re more likely to need one with your next one as well. In general, cesarean sections have become more common in the last few decades, due to improved surgical techniques, changes in obstetric practice, and an increase in the number of older mothers and diabetic mothers who give birth.
