Family Planning


Introducing, educating and providing family planning is a must to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The introduction of family planning has allowed women to achieve decisions regarding having children at the right time, birth spacing, the size of the family, and has also helped individuals improve health conditions of infants, children, and new mothers.


Why is family planning important:

The most negative consequences include low weight of the infant and defects while birth.Children who are a result of unwanted and untimely pregnancies are likely to experience mental health issues, physical health issues, behavioural issues (which at times continue till adulthood) and lower educational qualifications due to lack of funds.
To avoid such issues, educating individuals regarding family planning is of utmost importance. After introducing public funded family planning, it has helped prevent millions of unexpected pregnancies.

Various Contraceptive Methods:

  • 1. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or “the pill”
  • 2. Progestogen-only pills (POPs) or “the mini pill”
  • 3. Emergency Contraception Pills
  • 4. Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  • 5. Progestogen injections
  • 6. Male condoms
  • 7. Tubal Ligation (Female Sterilisation)
