PCOS Treatment and Management


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder which occurs due to the ovaries creating excess of the male hormones. When a person has PCOS, the ovaries produce high levels of androgens, the male hormone. This in turn causes imbalance of the reproductive hormones.
PCOS is usually common among girls who have reached the reproductive age. Most common side effects of PCOS are infrequent or erratic menstrual cycles. The ovaries develop small cysts because of lack of ovulation and fail to release eggs regularly. PCOS is also one of the major reasons for female infertility.


Treatment and Management

Lifestyle Changes for PCOS:
One of the most important things to do is to eat healthy, reduce junk and exercise regularly. Since many women who have PCOS are overweight, doing the above is mandatory. With around 5 to 10% of the body weight reduction, it might help with irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation and changes in blood sugar levels.


a. Unwanted hair growth and hair loss: There are many medicines that help control unwanted hair growth and hair loss. Please discuss this with your doctor before consuming any of them. These medicines block the increased effect of the ‘male hormones’ and also suppress the production of those hormones through the ovaries.

If these don’t work or you do not want to use these options, you can always go for a laser removal treatment.
b. Fertility issues: With outside help, many women suffering from PCOS do get pregnant. This includes consuming tablets for a short period of time during the beginning of the cycle for a few cycles. If tablets do not work, doctors can suggest injections or more commonly called IVF treatments.
c. Menstrual Problems: Contraceptive pills help with menstrual irregularities. Consuming contraceptive pills are recommended by many doctors to induce regular menstrual cycles.

Progestogen tablets can also be used instead of contraceptive pills. But please consult your health care specialist for the dosage and time gaps.
